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Monday, 10 November 2008 | 14:12 WIB

Sandisk introduce technology ExtremeFFS to increase 100 times the speed compared to the brand Solid State Drives (SSD) other. In the process of making, SanDisk methods rely page-based algorithms to prevent the occurrence of compression or bottleneck when writing data to the SSD. In addition, page-based algorithms also work to combine the physical and logical location.

SanDisk also introduce two new measures to assess performance and durability, namely virtualRPM and Long-Term Data Endurance (LDE). To vRPM which currently use the unit RPM (Revolution per minute), is prepared to compare the performance between the SSD with the Hard Disk Drive (HDD). Meanwhile LDE useful to calculate the use of solid-state drive.

SanDisk plan gresnya product launch in 2009 and supports the netbook have the drive-sized 2.5-inches. In addition, this product Anyar also prepared for the development of the operating system that Microsoft introduce Windows 7 in the Professional Developers Conference (PDC) in Los Angeles, the United States. (alv)

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