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Unique Fact: Malay-Malay World

ome interesting facts below should disimak. Not because tokohnya intensity, but because the facts of a unique way of life that accompanies the figures.
Even though the only info-info alternation of light-light, but a refreshing lumayanlah brain that we dijejali news that heavy-weight ...
1. Of course you all know the Kubilai Khan. Yup, the Mongol emperor very cruel and this appeared to have the expansive side of tolerance is very high. Does not believe, Kubilai Khan is the first prominent leader of the world that the days of religious Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Islamic and serve as official holidays statesman. Know the origin, Kubilai Khan is the grandson of Genghis Khan is a legendary that has the power to stretch from perbatasaTengah, almost all of East Asia in the 13th century. In other words, the official holidays every day statesman on the world's great religions is possible to be done by Khan Kubilai because his size.

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