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Miktorik Router OS
1 komentar Published Selasa, 09 Juni 2009 by Yohana Arief Efendi inMikroTik RouterOS™ adalah sistem operasi dan yang dapat digunakan untuk menjadikan komputer
manjadi router network yang handal, mencakup berbagai fitur lengkap untuk network dan wireless.
Kemudian di extrack dan kemudian burn ke CD itu file ISO nya.
1. Install Mikrotik OS
– Siapkan PC, minimal Pentium I juga gak papa RAM 64,HD 500M atau pake flash memory 64
– Di server / PC kudu ada minimal 2 ethernet, 1 ke arah luar dan 1 lagi ke Network local
– Burn Source CD Mikrotik OS masukan ke CDROM
– Boot dari CDROM
– Ikuti petunjuk yang ada, gunakan syndrom next-next dan default
– Install paket2 utama, lebih baiknya semua packet dengan cara menandainya (mark)
– Setelah semua paket ditandai maka untuk menginstallnya tekan “I”
– Lama Install normalnya ga sampe 15menit, kalo lebih berarti gagal, ulangi ke step awal
– Setelah diinstall beres, PC restart akan muncul tampilan login
2. Setting dasar mikrotik
Langkah awal dari semua langkah konfigurasi mikrotik adalah setting ip
Hal ini bertujuan agar mikrotik bisa di remote dan dengan winbox dan memudahkan kita untuk
melakukan berbagai macam konfigurasi
– Login sebaga admin degan default password ga usah diisi langsung enter
Gantilah dengan ip address anda dan interface yg akan digunakan untuk meremote sementara
Di sini akan saya terangkan dengan menggunakan 2 cara yaitu dengan dengan text dan winbox.
I. Langkah setting Mikrotik TEXT
Mari kita mulai dengan asumsi proses install sudah berhasil
1. Install - OK
2. Setting IP eth1 (dari ISP)
perintah :
ip address add address netmask interface ether1
IP tersebut adalah IP public / IP yang yang ada koneksi Internet
3. Setting IP eth2
perintah :
ip address add address netmask interface ether2
IP tersebut adalah IP Local anda.
Sekarang lakukan ping ke dan dari komputer lain, setelah konek lanjutkan ke langkah
berikutnya, kalo belum ulangi dari langkah no 2.
4. Setting Gateway
perintah :
ip route add (dari ISP)
5. Setting Primary DNS
perintah :
ip dns set primary-dns= (dari ISP)
6. Setting Secondary DNS
perintah :
ip dns set secondary-dns= (dari ISP)
7. Setting Routing masquerade ke eth1
perintah :
ip firewall nat add chain=srcnat action=masquerade out-interface=ether1
Untuk terakhir lakukan test ping ke Gateway / ke, bila konek maka Mikrotik anda dah siap
di gunakan.
II. Langkah setting Mikrotik Via WinBox
1. Setelah install Mikrotik sudah OK, selanjutnya masukkan IP sembarang untuk remote.
ip address add address netmask interface ether2
Kemudian buka browser dengan alamat IP tadi, dan download Winbox
2. Buka Winbox yang telah di download tadi
3. Di tampilan Winbox, pada kolom Connect To masukkan no IP tadi ( dengan
Login : admin password : kosong. Kemudian klik tombol Connect
4. Login ke Mikrotik Via Winbox berhasil
5. Klik IP —> ADDRESS
6. Ini adalah tampilan dari address
7. Kemudian masukkan IP public (dari ISP)
8. Ini daftar IP pada 2 ethernet
9. Setting Gateway, IP —> Routes
10. Masukkan IP GATEWAY (dari ISP)
11. Hasil ROUTING
12. Masukkan Primary DNS dan Secondary DNS (dari ISP)
Kemudian klik Apply dan OK
13. Setting MASQUERADE
14. Klik IP —> Firewall
15. Kemudian pilih NAT
16. Pada tab General
pada Chain pilih srcnat
pada Out. Interface pilih ether1
pada tab Action pilih masquerade
Kemudian klik Apply dan OK
Perinta Dasar In Cisco Router
0 komentar Published by Yohana Arief Efendi inMembuat Banner
Router(config)#banner motd #
Membuat Password
Router(config)#enable secret suryo
Router(config)#enable password suryo1
Auxilary Password
Router#config t
Router(config)#line aux 0
Router(config-line)#password suryo
Console Password
Router(config)#line console 0
Router(config-line)#password suryo
Telnet Password
Router(config)#line vty 0 4
Router(config-line)#password suryo
Encrypting Password
Router(config)#service password-encryption
Memberikan Description
GedARouter(config)#int e0 (interface ethernet pada router)
GedARouter(config)#description Jaringan Lan A101
GedARouter(config)#int s0 (interface serial pada router)
GedARouter(config)#desc Wan ke GedF circuit:6fdda4321
Masuk Ke Interfaces Router
Router(config)#int serial 5 (masuk ke serial no 5)
Router(config)#int ethernet0 (masuk ke ethernet)
Router(config)#int fastethernet 0/0 (fastethernet)
Bringing Up Interface
Router(config)#int ethernet0
Router(config)#no shutdown
Menyetel IP pada interface
Router(config)#int e0 (ethernet 0)
Router(config)#ip address
Router(config)#no shut
Melihat, menyimpan dan menghapus konfigurasi
Router#sh run (melihat)
Router#copy run start (menyimpan)
Router#erase startup-config (menghapus)
Ok, that’s all folks!!
Internet Hp To Pc
0 komentar Published by Yohana Arief Efendi inLangkah-langkahnya sebagai berikut :
1. Masuk ke menu Control Panel.
2. Pilih Phone and Modem Options
3. Pilih Modem
4. Tekan Add
5. Beri tanda (?) “Don’t detect my modem: I will select it from a list”
6. Tekan Next
7. Pilih Standard 33600 bps Modem
8. Tekan Next
9. Pilih Selected port : COM1
10. Tekan Next
11. Instalasi modem sudah selesai
12. Tekan Finish
13. Kembali ke tampilan Phone and Modem Options
14. Pilih Modem yang sudah terinstall tadi yaitu Standard 33600 bps Modem
15. Tekan Properties
16. Pilih Diagnostics
17. Tekan Query Modem (pastikan bahwa proses query sukses)
18. Setelah itu pilih Advanced
19. Masukan Extra Settings AT+CGDCONT=1,”IP”,”indosatgprs”. Tekan OK
20. Kembali ke tampilan Phone and Modem Options
21. Tekan OK lalu keluar dari menu Control Panel
22. Langkah selanjutnya : Pilih Start ? Programs ? Accessories ? Comunication ? Network Connection
23. Pilih Creat a new connection Akan muncul tampilan New Connection Wizard
24. Tekan Next
25. Pilih Connect to the Internet
26. Tekan Next
27. Pilih Set up my connection manually
28. Tekan Next
29. Pilih Connect using a dial-up modem
30. Isi ISP Name : im3gprs
31. Tekan Next
32. Isi Phone number : *99***1#
33. Tekan Next
34. Pilih Create this connection for : Anyone’s use
35. Tekan Next
36. Kosongkan user name dan password
37. Tekan Next
38. Beri tanda (?) pada Add a shortcut to this connection to my deskstop
39. Tekan Finish
Unique Fact: About Ponsel
0 komentar Published Selasa, 20 Januari 2009 by Yohana Arief Efendi inMobile, HP, or mobile phone has become a basic requirement of our society. Penetrasinya level was still over the phone (the phone lo nongkrong in the houses that still use the cable) is only around 4% on the figure. If combined with a fixed wireless (CDMA users all kinds deh) berkutat only on the number of less than 15%. Compare with the user's mobile phone (GSM users), which reached nearly 30% of the total population in Indonesia! Of that number is a very fantastik, considering the development of fixed phone has lasted for decades, while the mobile phone you only need 10 years to get to the number 25%. Here is the unique and interesting facts from the very devices that fenomenal this:
1. Telecommunications operator with the largest number of subscribers in the world was in the grasp by China Mobile. Customers reached 200 million more people. Beyond the position of Vodafone customers who have around 186 million people.
2. Most 3G service subscribers in the world is japan's NTT DoCoMo. Customers reached 29 million people. Second 3 occupied by Italy from countries with italy number of approximately 8 million. Meanwhile, in the third position achieve by SoftBank Mobile, Japan.
Unique Fact: Malay-Malay World
0 komentar Published by Yohana Arief Efendi inome interesting facts below should disimak. Not because tokohnya intensity, but because the facts of a unique way of life that accompanies the figures.
Even though the only info-info alternation of light-light, but a refreshing lumayanlah brain that we dijejali news that heavy-weight ...
1. Of course you all know the Kubilai Khan. Yup, the Mongol emperor very cruel and this appeared to have the expansive side of tolerance is very high. Does not believe, Kubilai Khan is the first prominent leader of the world that the days of religious Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Islamic and serve as official holidays statesman. Know the origin, Kubilai Khan is the grandson of Genghis Khan is a legendary that has the power to stretch from perbatasaTengah, almost all of East Asia in the 13th century. In other words, the official holidays every day statesman on the world's great religions is possible to be done by Khan Kubilai because his size.
Unique Fact: Until the Dead Sea from Atacama
0 komentar Published by Yohana Arief Efendi inCreate Foke and Prijanto, survivors have won the elections Jakarta. Although still not officially announced by KPUD Jakarta, but it is already almost the candidates No.2 this out as a winner.
Capek news hirup with burly pilkada Jakarta, may be a refreshing it is to read the facts below about the unique places that attract us to know:
1. Lake of the Dead Sea in the area between the longitudinal Israel and Jordan, which has a number of unique observable. Lake Dead Sea is the lowest in the world with a height of 417.5 meters below sea level! In addition, the Dead Sea Lake keasinan water level has reached 33%. So no wonder many tourists from all over the world come to light in the sea. Because the degree keasinannya, almost living creatures may not survive in the Dead Sea Lake. However, a number of certain types of bacteria are still able to survive in the lake. As information, Dead Sea mud lake is very nutritious treat berb
2. Antarctic continent is a continent that has a number of unique performance to learn. Continental is already covered ice for 35 million years. Although covered ice, cold this continent has a number of volcanoes, but none of the active. Antarctic continent has a number of top high enough, with the highest Peak Vinson Massif is the height of 4897 meters. Although the man has been approached
© 2008 Yulius Haflan ● Unique Collection Fact 11
the continent since 1820, but the new 1990-an exploration in the frozen land starts. A very hard life there was in fact be fatal over 200 scientists and researchers for 45 years!
Unique Fact: All About Plants
0 komentar Published by Yohana Arief Efendi inCan not be, without the plant world ...? Surely the crowded and we like being with the animals in the world surely die because oxygen runs out. Yup, the plant is a living creature that has a very important value in our ecosystem of the earth this summer. And the plant has a diverse and unique species that we did not imagine before. Does not believe? Note the following facts:
1. Did you know the size of the largest flower in the world? If you answer the Rafflesia arnoldii, then you do not have any answers. This plant can grow with the width and weight to semeter can reach 11 kg. This plant appears only in Sumatra and Kalimantan forest. But, you know that, or Amorphophallus titanum, known as The Titan Arum can reach high semeter with up to 3 meters high, and able to achieve weight 80 kg or about 170 pounds! If you want to know the form of interest, look at 500 rupiah banknote relic, yup that is the interest that have been found dead in rural Sumatra.
2. If there are flowers in the world, surely there is interest with the small size of most of the world. Record holder in the world's smallest flower in the fall on the type of plant genus Wolffia, a similar plant without the root of a very small family on the type of duckweed (Lemnaceae) who live in the water and a quiet pond. This plant is also considered as a plant with the size of the smallest in the world. There are two species in the genus Wolffia, the Wolffia soniapedro, Australian species, and Wolffia globosa, a tropical species. Average this type of plant not only has a size of more than 1 mm, with the average weight of only 150 mikrogram!